蒙哥马利县社区学院认可优秀的教学并授予其荣誉 在学院每年的毕业典礼上邀请杰出的教师. 教学卓越奖授予全职和兼职教师,其教学 是智力刺激,可访问的所有学生,并表明一个承诺 为了学生在课堂内外的幸福.


要获得全职优秀教学奖的资格,全职教师必须 获提名时在学院表现良好,并积极教学* for the academic year the award is conferred. Part-time faculty, who have attained 正式或高级讲师的级别不迟于学术的开始 在获颁该奖项的年度,并在书院有良好的信誉 在提名的时候,都有资格获得兼职奖.

League Excellence and NISOD Award

为了获得联盟优秀奖或NISOD优秀奖提名,个人 在修业期间,必须是书院的长期、全职或兼职雇员 选择它们的年份(夏、秋、春). The employee must also be 在选择时在学院有良好的信誉. Employees may not have 在过去五年内获得该奖项,并应举例说明杰出的教学 和/或在以下一个以上领域具有领导能力:

  • 参与大学管理委员会、工作小组或计划核心 团队.
  • 在教学和学习中具有高影响力的实践,或具有高机构影响力 the College.
  • 示范和非凡的承诺,以实施学院的战略 计划支持改善机构质量和教育效果; or innovative inter-disciplinary learning.
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Gladys和Raymond Pearlstine教学卓越奖获得者**

一年 收件人
2022 Dr. Kendall Martin, Professor of Computer Science
2020 Martina Ware, Associate Professor of Nursing
2018 蒂姆·加拉格尔,戏剧艺术助理教授
2016 Dr. 李的一个. Bender, Professor of Economics (posthumously)
2014 Jill Beccaris-Pescatore,经济学助理教授

Christian R. 玛丽·F. 林德巴克基金会卓越教学奖**

一年 收件人
2024 Douglas Vardakas, Physics Instructor
2023 Kelli Corrado, Assistant Professor of Physics
2021 Dr. Steven Baron, Associate Professor of Psychology
2019 Heather Thomas, Assistant Professor of Accounting
2017 Dr. Christopher Harendza, Professor of Biology
2015 Dr. Debbie Levin, Professor of Education
2013 Dr. 赖安·约翰逊,历史学助理教授(死后)
2012 Dr. Emenike Ukazim, Professor of Mathematics
2011 Dr. 安·玛丽·多诺霍,心理学助理教授
2010 Stephen Blumm, Professor of History
2009 Robert Kuhlman, Professor of Geology
2008 菲利斯·迪克特,口腔卫生学名誉教授
2007 Elsa Rapp, Professor of History
2006 杰西·霍奇斯,健康、体育和心理学教授(追授)
2005 Patricia Nestler, Associate Professor of English
2004 Dr. Peter Scheponik, Assistant Professor of English
2002 Dr. Thomas Kolsky, Professor of Political Science
2002 Carl Essig, Associate Professor of Accounting
2001 Dr. 罗珊娜·霍夫曼,数学名誉教授
2000 William Zimmer, Associate Professor of Economics
1999 Dr. 马丁·格尔曼,心理学与人类学名誉教授
1998 Dr. 玛格丽特·塞德尔,化学名誉教授

Part-time Teaching Excellence Award 收件人s

一年 收件人
2024 Dyana Kimball, Theatre Regular Lecturer
2024 Dr. 玛丽伦·米勒,运动科学与健康高级讲师
2023 Thomas Costello, Management Senior Lecturer
2023 Susan Lawrence, Psychology Senior Lecturer
2022 John Pilla, Mathematics Senior Lecturer
2022 Daryl Walmer, Chemistry Senior Lecturer
2021 Valerie Baker, Psychology Senior Lecturer
2021 Amy Vallette, Biology Senior Lecturer
2020 Michelle Eppleman, Mathematics Senior Lecturer
2020 Lara Ferris, Education Senior Lecturer
2019 米歇尔·多诺万,运动科学与健康高级讲师
2019 Frank Bucci, Accounting Senior Lecturer
2018 Stephen Bartorillo, Mathematics Senior Lecturer
2018 Joseph Waldo, Economics Senior Lecturer
2017 Dr. Daniel Bassi, Biology Senior Lecturer
2017 Ann Forrestal, Computer Applications Lecturer
2016 Mary-Breanna Burch, Psychology Senior Lecturer
2016 Dr. Ricardo Lopez, Biology Senior Lecturer
2015 罗宾·卡瓦洛,医学助理讲师
2015 Tracy Halsey, Mathematics Senior Lecturer

NISOD Award 收件人s

一年 收件人
2020 Frank Bucci, Accounting Senior Lecturer
2020 杰拉尔德·科洛姆,大众传媒和声音制作讲师
2020 Dr. Melinda Copel, Professor of Dance
2020 米歇尔·多诺万,运动科学与健康高级讲师
2020 David Doskicz-Ivory,录音和音乐技术总监
2020 肖恩·哈钦森,综合学习协调员
2020 Andrew Kosciesza, Associate Professor of Music
2020 Susan Masciantonio,教师成功主任,讲师
2020 Patrick Rodgers, Galleries Director
2020 Dr. Keima Sheriff, Assistant Dean of Student 项目
2020 Heather Thomas, Assistant Professor of Accounting
2020 Brent Woods, Senior Director of Cultural Affairs
2020 Dianne Zotter-Mill,艺术与画廊联络副教授
2019 Stephen Bartorillo, Mathematics Senior Lecturer
2019 Kristin Fulmer, Counselor, Assistant Professor
2019 蒂莫西·加拉格尔,戏剧助理教授
2019 玛丽-凯瑟琳·纳贾里安,教学技术助理主任
2019 Joseph Waldo, Economics Senior Lecturer
2018 Dr. Daniel Bassi, Biology Senior Lecturer
2018 Ann Forrestal, Computer Applications Lecturer
2018 Dr. Christopher Harendza, Professor of Biology
2017 Dr. 李的一个. Bender, Professor of Economics (posthumously)
2017 Dr. Ricardo Lopez, Biology Senior Lecturer
2016 罗宾·卡瓦洛,医学助理讲师
2016 Tracy Halsey, Mathematics Senior Lecturer
2016 Dr. Debbie Levin, Professor of Education
2015 Jill Baccaris, Associate Professor of Economics
2013 Dr. Emenike Ukazim, Professor of Mathematics
2012 Dr. 安·玛丽·多诺霍,心理学副教授
2010 Robert Kuhlman, Professor of Geology
2009 菲利斯·迪克特,口腔卫生学名誉教授

League Excellence Award 收件人s

一年 收件人
2024 Karima Roepel,酒店学院院长
2019 玛丽·比弗,企业软件系统总监
2019 凯利·邓巴,体育和校园娱乐主任
2019 Rose Makofske,平等和多样性倡议主任和第九条协调员
2019 Dr. Jenna Meehan,学术事务助理副校长
2019 Philip Needles,学生服务副总裁
2019 Diane O'Connor,人力资源执行董事
2019 Denise Prushan,信息技术与学院副校长的执行助理 服务
2018 James Bedrosian,学术事务副校长的执行助理 教务长
2018 Dr. Lianne Hartman,学术事务副校长
2018 Dr. 大卫·科瓦尔斯基,机构研究执行主任
2018 雪莉·菲利普斯,记录和注册主任
2018 马修·波特,高级制片人和技术服务经理
2018 Shannon Schmidt,人力资源部副主任
2017 Dr. Anna Raskin, Associate Professor of History
2016 Dr. Deborah Greenspan,心理学副教授
2016 Joseph Mancini,信息技术执行总监
2016 Diane McDonald, Assistant Professor of English
2015 Dr. 维多利亚·巴斯特基-佩雷斯,学术事务副校长兼教务长
2015 Dr. Margaret Bryans, Associate Professor of Biology
2015 斯蒂芬妮·克劳斯,学术顾问,助理教授
2015 特蕾莎·沙利文,办公室管理副教授
2014 Jill Beccaris, Assistant Professor of Economics
2014 Dr. 李的一个. Bender, Professor of Economics
2012 Diane Biddle, Assistant Professor of English
2014 Dr. Catherine Carsley, Professor of English
2014 Deborah Dalrymple, Professor of Nursing
2014 Jennifer Fewster, Assistant Professor of Biology
2014 Dr. Thomas Kolsky, Senior Lecturer of History
2014 Dr. Debbie Levin, Professor of Education
2014 Rhoda McFadden, Professor of History
2014 Dr. Catherine Parzynski,历史学助理教授
2014 Samuel Wallace, Associate Professor of Geography
2014 Dr. Beverly Welhan, Dean of Health Sciences
2013 Dr. Harold Halbert, Associate Professor of English
2013 Barbara Hordis, Assistant Professor of Accounting
2013 Dr. Kendall Martin,计算机科学副教授
2013 Jerry Yarnetsky, Librarian, Assistant Professor
2012 Dr. 安·玛丽·多诺霍,心理学副教授

*积极教学被定义为教师在三个学期中的一个学期教学 在学年内(夏季、秋季或春季).
**The Christian R. 玛丽·F. 林德巴克基金会卓越教学奖 格拉迪斯和雷蒙德·珀尔斯汀杰出教学奖轮流颁发 years to a full-time faculty member.

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